Edit Anything

Professional text and hex editing
with Binary Templates technology.

010 Editor - Text/Hex Editor Homepage

The Help menu gives access to the documentation, website, and support for 010 Editor. This section lists all available menu options in the Help menu:

  • Help Topics - Displays this help file.

  • SweetScape Homepage - Loads an Internet browser (if available) and visits 'https://www.sweetscape.com/'.

  • 010 Editor Homepage - Loads an Internet browser (if available) and visits 'https://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/'.

  • Buy Now - Visits the website 'https://www.sweetscape.com/store/' which allows you to purchase a copy of 010 Editor. See How to Buy 010 Editor for more information.

  • Tutorials > Introduction to Binary Templates - Displays a short tutorial on how Binary Templates work, including how to run templates and how to use the Template Results panel.

  • Tutorials > Writing Binary Templates - Shows a tutorial on how to create your own Binary Templates.

  • Tutorials > Using the Repository - Displays a tutorial on the basics of the 010 Editor Repository.

  • Check for Updates - Checks if a new version of 010 Editor is available if the computer is internet connected. Note that a popup window will automatically be displayed if 010 Editor detects a new version is available and this can be turned off using the General Options dialog.

  • View Release Notes - Displays the list of changes for the current and previous versions of 010 Editor (see Release Notes).

  • View Shortcut List - Displays a list of shortcut keys in the application sorted by shortcut name. See Shortcut Options for more information.

  • View Repository Status - Shows the Status page of the Repository Dialog which tells when the repository has last been updated and gives options about installing Templates from the repository.

  • View Repository History - Displays the History page of the Repository Dialog that shows which Scripts or Templates have been recently added or updated.

  • Support on the Web - Obtain support by visiting the website 'https://www.sweetscape.com/support/'.

  • Support by E-mail - Opens a web form which can be used to send an e-mail message to 'support@sweetscape.com'.

  • Support Forum - Displays the 010 Editor community forum in a web browser (https://forum.sweetscape.com). Search existing questions or create an account to post a new question.

  • About - Displays the About dialog containing version information for 010 Editor.

This is the manual for 010 Editor, a professional hex editor and text editor. Use 010 Editor to edit the individual bytes of any binary file, hard drive, or process on your machine. 010 Editor contains a whole host of powerful analysis and editing tools, plus Binary Templates technology that allows any binary format to be understood.

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010 Editor

E-mail: info@sweetscape.com